Newsletter Adam Ogg Newsletter Adam Ogg

The LINK: 12/23


Grace and peace! I am so grateful for such a joyous and good start as we begin this new season together. From our first worship services to the Installation Service, to the different groups I’ve been privileged to visit, I am so grateful for these first steps together as your pastor as we enter into the next season of ministry at Congo Pres.

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Newsletter Nick Nicolai Newsletter Nick Nicolai

The LINK: 11/23


Just as the changing seasons signal a time of transition, Congregational Presbyterian Church is entering a new season. September brought the ending of a longer term ministry and the beginning of a shorter term interim ministry. November brings the ending of an interim ministry and the beginning of a called ministry.

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Newsletter Nick Nicolai Newsletter Nick Nicolai

The LINK: 10/23


Well, how exciting and anxious is this. Saying good bye to a pastor who faithfully served through this congregation for 18 years. Receiving a pastor to walk along side you in the interim. Soon welcoming a pastor to minister with you in the coming days.

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Newsletter Steve Wilbraham Newsletter Steve Wilbraham

The Link: 9/23


“So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye”

With those words, the children said goodnight to the partygoers in the Sound of Music. Today I join them in that refrain as I say goodbye to you as your pastor.

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Newsletter Steve Wilbraham Newsletter Steve Wilbraham

The LINK: 7/23


The Bible declares: “God is love” and “God is holy.” So, we look to the Bible to teach us about godly love and holiness. We are to love God and others because God first loved us, and we are to be holy for God is holy.

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Newsletter Steve Wilbraham Newsletter Steve Wilbraham

The LINK: 6/23


This summer we will enjoy a Sermon Series and Bible Reading Plan highlighting People of God in the Old Testament as well as some of the Psalms. It is my hope that we as a congregation will benefit from these Old Testament texts, being guided in our own faith journeys as we learn about these men and women of God.

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Newsletter Steve Wilbraham Newsletter Steve Wilbraham

The LINK: 5/23


These past several months we have tried something new as congregation on Sunday mornings. On the first Sunday of each month, beginning in January, we have offered one Combined Service at 10:00am which has, on those mornings, replaced our regular 9:00am Contemporary Service and 11:00am Traditional Service.

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Newsletter Steve Wilbraham Newsletter Steve Wilbraham

The LINK: 3/23


Paul’s letter to the Philippian Christians is one of my favorite books in the Bible. Unlike other letters he writes, Paul is not dealing with heresy in the church nor is he writing a tightly woven theological essay. He is writing to people he is proud of, followers of Christ who are doing pretty well.

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Newsletter Steve Wilbraham Newsletter Steve Wilbraham

The LINK: 2/23


The writer of Hebrews reminds us of the importance of coming together in Christian community, for it is here that believers find encouragement to follow the teachings of Jesus which call us to “acts of love and good works.”

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Newsletter Steve Wilbraham Newsletter Steve Wilbraham

The LINK: 1/23


“One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountain-side and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them” (Matthew 5:1-2).

With these words, Matthew opens a three-chapter section of his gospel commonly referred to as The Sermon on the Mount. Beginning January 8 and going through the month of May, our Sunday sermon series will explore this teaching of Jesus.

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God is the last link of the chain, but He is the first also.
— Joseph Barber Lightfoot