The LINK: 7/23
Justice Matters
The Bible declares: “God is love” and “God is holy.” So, we look to the Bible to teach us about godly love and holiness. We are to love God and others because God first loved us, and we are to be holy for God is holy.
The Bible also declares: “God is just.” Again, we look to the Bible to teach us about godly justice. Pursuing godly justice means to follow God’s way of making right that which is wrong, and we look to Scripture to define what is right and what is wrong.
As human beings, the fully human Jesus Christ is our standard for how to live justly. Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, died a sacrificial death and rose again to make right that which was wrong between us and God. Jesus also cared for the outcast and reached out with compassion to help those most often overlooked in order to make right that which was wrong between persons. Jesus pursued justice, both spiritually and physically.
As we look at the life of Jesus and the commands given throughout the Bible, it is clear that Christians are called to do justice. In the power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to take action and confront evil, to care for the vulnerable, and to make right that which is wrong. This command is not new. It is not a cultural fad or something that is simply a trend in contemporary society. Throughout the Bible, our call to do justice is clear:
Biblical justice begins with seeing people as God sees them – recognizing that we are all created in the image of God. It is incumbent upon Christ followers to pursue physical and spiritual freedom for the oppressed so they can also become what God created them to be.
As believers, we may partner with those doing the work of social justice in our communities, but let us not be confused about our ultimate mission. Our mission is not about picking up another cause because it sounds appealing and makes us look good. Our mission is to fully embrace the cause of Christ. The end goal of biblical justice is seeing lives reconciled to God and others, and thereby eternally transformed.
Yours in Christ,