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Dear Church Family,

This summer we will enjoy a Sermon Series and Bible Reading Plan highlighting People of God in the Old Testament as well as some of the Psalms. It is my hope that we as a congregation will benefit from these Old Testament texts, being guided in our own faith journeys as we learn about these men and women of God. While it is right for Christians to emphasize the study of the New Testament, for it is there that God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ and his desire for the church is most clearly revealed, there are good reasons to read the Old Testament.

The Old Testament is part of God’s Word to us, which he divinely inspired and has divinely protected through the ages. Like any important book, it should be read in its entirety. Think of it as a large novel. If you only knew the second part (i.e., the New Testament), you would miss the introduction of the characters, the setting and the plot, and many of the conflicts and developments that make up the theme and the many sub-themes. The ending won’t make nearly as much sense if you haven’t read the beginning and middle.

The Old Testament teaches about God’s attributes and his character as well as how he works in people’s lives and in the world to bring about his plan. While the New Testament generally spells out teachings and principles, the Old Testament illustrates them through the stories of people’s lives. They had the same problems we do; human nature hasn’t changed. The Old Testament is also full of prophecy, predicting many events hundreds of years in advance, including details about Jesus, the Messiah. The fulfillment of prophecy is one of the best evidences for the truth and uniqueness of the Bible, showing us the hand of God, the divinity of Jesus, and the inspiration of this truly unique book. There is none like it!

May our Lord bless each one of us as we read, study, and meditate on the Old Testament this summer, putting God’s Word into practice in our lives.


Pastor Steve


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