
Women’s Ministry is starting a new group to get ourselves reconnected.  Featuring crafts, prayer and fellowship, we will meet in the basement of the administration building the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 10am-noon.  Bring your crafts to work on or just come and visit with the ladies of our church and community.  And, bring a friend!  For further information, contact Marcia Barkley at 509.552.9536.

Women’s Association

We meet the second Monday of the month at 10am in Fellowship Hall.  All women of the church are invited for fellowship, refreshments, a devotion led by one of our ladies, and a study. Check back soon for more details!

Women’s Monday Evening Bible Study

Meeting on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 6:45pm in the Administration Building, join us for our study: “Proverbs: Wisdom that Works.”  Study books are available—contact Rona Meske at 208.746.1128.

Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study

Meeting weekly on Fridays, all are welcome at 10:00am in the Chapel.  We are studying the Gospel of Luke.  Study guides are available from Gayle Beck (509.751.9918).

Women’s Book Club

We meet on the first Monday of every other month at 10:30am in the Chapel. You are invited to join us and to share with us a recent Christian book you have read.  Marilyn Kidder leads the Book Club.  You can reach her at 208.413.6626.