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Dear Church Family,

At the heart of our Christian faith is the story of a man who dies on a cross and on the third day is raised again to life.

The story begins on the evening before the man’s death when he gathers with his followers. First, the man reaffirms his love for them. Then, he tells them that the bread and the cup of the meal they are sharing represent his body and blood which will be broken and shed for them, for the forgiveness of their sin.

The story continues with the crucifixion of the man. We struggle with the cross. We prefer the more appealing aspects of following the man - whether it’s to a party where he changes water to wine, to a sunlit beach where he preaches from a boat, or to a breezy hillside where he feeds thousands. But to the cross? Who wants to go there? Yet, go we must for it is at the cross that we recognize the price he paid for our sin.

The Good Friday Service in the Sanctuary on Friday, April 7 at 6:00pm helps us come to the cross of Jesus.

Many people believed that the death of the man ended his story. He had apparently failed in his mission and the God he claimed as his Father had seemingly rejected him. They were mistaken! On the third day God raised the man from the dead. God’s act restored life to the man, and through the man life will be restored to all who are dead in their sin. Come celebrate God’s new life, and invite a friend who may also want to hear the Good News of God’s love for them.

Two Easter Services are offered on Sunday, April 9:

9:00am Contemporary Easter Service in our Sanctuary.

11:00am Traditional Easter Service in our Sanctuary.

Join us for Easter Brunch:

Between the Easter services, beginning at 10:00am in Fellowship Hall, the Membership and Fellowship ministry teams of our church will serve Easter Brunch. Join us and enjoy the Christian community made possible by Christ’s resurrection.

Child Care is offered during both services, with Children’s Church during the 9:00am service. An Easter Egg Hunt is held for the children between the services.

The Worship Services will be live streamed.

The Lord is Risen!

Pastor Steve


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