Newsletter Nick Nicolai Newsletter Nick Nicolai

The LINK: 11/23


Just as the changing seasons signal a time of transition, Congregational Presbyterian Church is entering a new season. September brought the ending of a longer term ministry and the beginning of a shorter term interim ministry. November brings the ending of an interim ministry and the beginning of a called ministry.

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Newsletter Steve Wilbraham Newsletter Steve Wilbraham

The LINK: 11/22


November is the month of Thanksgiving, so I thought it appropriate to use this pastor's letter to talk about gratitude. Thomas Merton, one of the great Christian spiritual thinkers of the last century, said: "Gratitude takes nothing for granted. It is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder, and to praise of the goodness of God."

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God is the last link of the chain, but He is the first also.
— Joseph Barber Lightfoot