Women’s Ministry is starting a new group to get ourselves reconnected. Featuring crafts, prayer and fellowship, we will meet in the basement of the administration building the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 10am-noon. Bring your crafts to work on or just come and visit with the ladies of our church and community. And, bring a friend! For further information, contact Marcia Barkley at 509-552-9536.
Women’s Association
We meet the second Monday of the month at 10am in Fellowship Hall. All women of the church are invited for fellowship, refreshments, a devotion led by one of our ladies, and a study on C. S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia led by Pastor Steve Wilbraham.
Women’s Monday Evening Bible Study
Meeting on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 6:45pm in the Administration Building, join us for our study: “Proverbs: Wisdom that Works.” Study books are available – contact Rona Meske at 208-746-1128.
Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study
Meeting weekly on Fridays, all are welcome at 10:00am in the Chapel. We are studying the Gospel of Luke. Study guides are available from Gayle Beck (509-751-9918).
Women’s Book Club
We meet on the first Monday of every other month at 10:30am in the Chapel. You are invited to join us and to share with us a recent Christian book you have read. Marilyn Kidder leads the Book Club. You can reach her at 208.413.6626.