Jesus in John's Gospel

Monday, April 8                                                                                   John 12:12-19

“The news thatJesus was on his way swept through the city”

     Lazarushas been raised from the dead!  The wordis out!  There are witnesses who haveseen it.  Now the One who raised him ison his way to Jerusalem in spite of all the earlier threats from the religiousleaders.  This is surely our Messiah whois coming to take over.  The excitementis palpable.  What mighty hopes andexpectations they have.  If Jesus hasraised a man from the dead, surely he can set them free from the shackles ofRome.

     Jesusanswers the pressure and expectations of this frenzied crowd with a prophetic,but simple, act.  He enters Jerusalemriding on a donkey, fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9.  Had Jesus come to fulfill the earthly,nationalistic ambitions of these people he would have ridden a horse, as awarring liberator.  Not even thedisciples understood what this all meant until much later when they wereenlightened by the Spirit and they saw it through the crucifixion andresurrection.  The raising of Lazarus wasnot a sign of nationalistic glory for Israel, but a promise that when theMessiah comes he will share the gift of healing and life with all his people.

We receive you on your terms, Jesus, not on ours.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 9                                                                                  John 12:20-26

“We want to meetJesus”

     TheGreeks who want to meet Jesus represent the children of God who are not ofJewish descent.  These are God-fearingGentiles who have come for the Passover feast. They seek out Philip because they can identify with him.  His name is Greek and he comes from apredominately Gentile area.  He is theeasiest for them to approach, one of their own “social network.”  Philip seems not quite certain what to dowith their request, so he shares it with Andrew.  Together they go to Jesus who at first seemsto ignore it.

    Jesus replies that his hour of glory has come.  So often he has said it will come, and now itis here.  The request of the Gentiles,who represent a waiting world, is the sign that the time to lay down his lifehas arrived.  His own death is like theparable of the grain of wheat which must go into the ground if there is to be aharvest.  There will be no salvation forthe world, Jew and Gentile alike, unless he dies.  So Jesus is not ignoring the Greeks.  They will indeed meet Jesus through the faithfulwitness and ministry of obedient disciples.

You died for the world, Jesus, and that includes me.  Amen.

Wednesday, April 10                                                                          John 12:27-33

“My soul is troubled”

     Jesusdoes not go easily or casually to the cross. His humanity shrinks from this awesome death.  Here the anguish, the longing of Jesus toavoid the cross, is boldly recorded.  Butthere is no turning back from the plan of God. Jesus has come into the world in loving obedience to the Father’s willand every move of his ministry has been in keeping with that plan.  His faithfulness has brought him to thishour.  And there will never be a harvest,the Greeks will never know, unless Jesus completes his mission.  So the trembling, questioning cry, “Father,save me from this hour,” is answered by his decisive prayer of obedience,“Father, bring glory to you name.”

    Then, as at his baptism and his transfiguration, the Father’s voice isheard.  His name has been glorifiedthroughout all of Jesus’ ministry, and now in this hour Jesus will glorify itagain.  That voice could have been amoment of awakening for the crowd, making them aware of the critical importanceof this hour.  But they are confused,incapable of hearing the voice of the Father, just as they have been unable tohear the word of his Son.

Through my obedience, Jesus, glory is brought to the Father’s name.  Amen.

Thursday, April 11                                                                           John 12:34-36

“How can you say the Son of Man will die?” 

     The crowds whohave just celebrated Jesus’ kingship as he entered Jerusalem now hear clearlywhat Jesus is intending.  A grain ofwheat must die; Jesus must lose his life; Jesus will be lifted up; all of thiswill bring about his glorification.  Thisis perplexing because according to popular belief in Judaism, the Messiah wouldnot be a victim; rather, he would triumph over his foes and establish Israel ashis permanent kingdom.  Jesus’ words seemincomprehensible.  “Who is this ‘Son ofMan’?” is not a request for Jesus to identify himself (e.g., “Are you the Sonof Man?”), but a question that asks: What sort of Son of Man or Messiah is thiswho speaks of his death?

     Jesus deniesthem an answer, refusing to enter into speculation about the theological roleof the Messiah in popular thought. Instead he appeals to them to believe. Now the urgent tone of his appeal is based on the limited opportunity ofthe crowd.  Jesus is the light, but itwill not shine for them much longer. Therefore the crowd must make a choice and make it quickly before thelight disappears.

I was in darkness, Jesus, but I accepted you as the light of my life.  Amen.

Friday, April 12                                                                                  John 12:37-43

“Most of the peopledid not believe in him”

     Here at theconclusion of Jesus’ public ministry John is compelled to ponder the darknessof unbelief.  John has witnessed Jesusfacing the stubborn misunderstanding and angry rejection of the very ones whoshould have accepted him at every turn. John uses the words of Isaiah to declare that they have neither heardnor understood Jesus’ teaching from the Father. “Who has believed our message?” And they have belittled and spurned Jesus’ mighty works of provision andhealing.  “To whom has the Lord revealedhis powerful arm?”

     Then John refersto the words the Lord spoke to Isaiah when he called him to be a prophet.  The longer Isaiah would faithfully call hispeople home, the more their eyes would be blinded and their heartshardened.  This is a mysterious and darkpassage.  The repeated rejection of theLord, although he lovingly deals with his people, is an old and sad story.  Does this mean that the door is closed?  No, for God is gracious, and in spite of therejection of his Son by many, those who do believe and receive him are giventhe power to become children of God.

Though many reject you, Jesus, I have accepted you as my Lord and Savior.  Amen.

Saturday, April 13                                                                            John 12:44-50

“Jesus shouted tothe crowds”

     Jesusmakes a last public plea for belief, probably in the court of the temple.  For John this is a final theological summary,comprising the main themes that have been publicly revealed in the ministry ofJesus: Jesus has been sent by the Father; the Father is the sole authority inhis ministry; he is light shining in darkness, bringing salvation and eternallife to those who show faith.  But Jesusalso gives a warning.  His words willremain as a deposit of revelation by which human lives will be judged.

     Withoutdoubt, the presence of the Father in the life and work of Jesus is the realityJohn does not want us to miss.  Hisgospel began with the lofty description of Jesus’ origins with Godhimself.  Throughout the course of thebook we have read about how this light from God has been shining in thedarkness.  The greatest error of all is forman or woman to see this light and reject it, thinking it has no connectionwith God.  When the world sees Jesus,when the world makes a decision about Jesus, it is really making a decisionabout God.

Ihave seen the light, Jesus, and it has brought me to God.  Amen.


Jesus in John's Gospel
