The LINK: 5/24
Peace be with you! As you’re starting to look to the summer, whether that brings changes to your life, or feels like more of the same, my prayer is that you encounter the Resurrection life that Christ promised and God wants to do for all of us.
Julia and I got to experience Art Under the Elms, also called the Dogwood Festival, and are looking forward to getting to take part in other things happening throughout the valley and around the Palouse.
Just as our neighbors at the college provide opportunities for community, I’ve been impressed by how important community is to Congo-Pres. Whether you’re a part of a small group, or as a member of staff, or even just the joyful noise of our greeting time, there’s a desire to know and be known. This
reflects God, because our God also wants to know and be known, and our God is a relational God.
We hope you’ll join us throughout the summer, whether at a picnic or occasional gathering, or in Sunday worship. Your
worship leaders are going to try a few different things this summer, and we’re excited to lead you in different kinds of worship experience. Your church leadership is also hard at work on staffing to help bolster our community, and reach out to the community around us, too.
Stay tuned, and we hope you have a great end of Spring!
Grace and peace,